Prayer Concerns
This ministry has wanted to build a house for men and another one for women to be paroled to, especially after serving a long sentence. This will take a large piece of property, perhaps even with a farm house that could temporarily house ex-offenders until a new building could be completed. The residents could raise a garden, chickens, perhaps beef, cows, and some hogs to help them be more self sufficient. This has been a prayer of the Chaplain for 34 years. So far we came close in actually buying a house but could not get anyone qualified willing to actually live in the house to run the program with him food and housing provided and a small income. We are renting the house out with option to buy and leaving the dream of Restoration House in God’s hands.
We appreciate your prayers and gifts toward this endeavor
Prayers of Thanksgiving
We pray on and off for people to assist in the editing of the various letters, newsletter, and other material we mail out to business, churches, or individuals. Something we get an editor and before we have a chance to put a thank you on this site the editor may no longer be editing. We want to thank God for three new editors from out last prayer request, ready to assist Artis in the editing for Rehoboth Jail & Prison Ministry. Thanks for your prayers and than you Lord for Your blessing.
We thank God that even though we have had to dip into our Restoration House Program funds we have been able to meet our budget and provide for all of the office needs and travel expenses for the first half of this year.
We are thankful for the success we feel in reaching more church this last year to be involved in the out reaches we provide through them to inmates and their families. We are also thankful for all of the letters from inmates and their families praising God for the work of them ministry and what it means to then. Families and inmates alike have had their hearts and lives changed through the renewing of their minds through the Word we bring.